Studies Reveal Link Between Oral Health & Diabetes

The American Diabetes Association recently announced that studies have identified and confirmed a direct correlation between diabetes and gum disease. Not only are diabetics more prone to gum disease, but oral health problems such as gingivitis can also affect blood...

What Veneers Can Do For Your Smile

Do you find you avoid smiling, or are embarrassed to show your teeth due to damage or severe discolouration? Do you wish you could have a Hollywood smile makeover that will give you the confidence to achieve your full potential? If you answered yes, then Dental...

Do You Grind Your Teeth? We Can Help!

If you suffer from jaw pain, frequent headaches, and worn teeth, you are likely grinding your teeth at night while you sleep. Bruxism (commonly known as ‘teeth grinding’) is a common problem that can compromise your quality of life by reducing the function...

Get Your Smile “Summer Ready”!

The time has come to hit the beach, relax on outdoor patios, host backyard BBQs and get away on vacation to enjoy family fun in the sun. This is also a special time to celebrate love with picnics, strolls in the park and the romance of warm summer moonlit...

Find Us On Facebook!

We’re always looking for new ways to expand our avenues of communication with patients. That’s why we created an official Facebook page for our practice! Our Facebook page makes it easy for you to reach us on the go and stay current with practice...

Greenline Dental Team Sponsors Music On The Grill!

Greenline Dental Centre is the proud sponsor of Music on the Grill summer concert series. Three summer evenings celebrating a fusion of fabulous food, fresh air and music at the Evergreen Cultural Centre. Last night (June 23rd), was the kick off of the Music on the...